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Sunday, October 8, 2017

Quake Champions Not A Bigger Deal?

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Quake Champions Not A Bigger Deal?
Quake Champions Not A Bigger Deal?

There have been some pretty big hitters when it comes to first person shooters released in the last 24 months. Games like Overwatch, Doom, Battlefront 2, COD WW II and even Titanfall 2 are making sure the FPS genre is front and center. With all the big games being released in such a short time, some will always get lost in the shuffle, one of these we feel is Quake Champions!

How is a new Quake game not a bigger deal? It is being made by Bethesda and ID so it is sure to be a lot of fun and while we have not been part of the beta or the early access. From what we have seen and heard, those who have taken part are having an awesome time. Quake Champions is going to offer a “free to play” model which may be what has made some people decide to not bother with the game or have any interest.

But as the first Quake game in over a decade, we are really quite shocked at how little attention the game has gotten. While we are running out of months in 2017. That 2017 release date Bethesda gave us is looking less and less likely. But they are supporting those early access players very well with new updates and characters (Doom Guy!) to mess around with.

As of right now, Quake Champions is only due out for PC, but Bethesda has not completely ruled out making a Xbox One or PlayStation 4 port of the game. 

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10,000 Mode Marksman Mod Controllers Ps4 Rapid Fire Controllers Playstation 4 Call Of Duty...
The History Of The Rainbow Six Series Part 2

The History Of The Rainbow Six Series Part 2

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Let us once again get tactical as we look at the second game in the Rainbow Six series.

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear (1999) Sony PlayStation, PC, Sega Dreamcast

Released just a year after the first Rainbow Six game, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear was based on the book of the same name. This time the game would first be released on PC and Dreamcast with a PlayStation port following the next year. The PC and Dreamcast versions are bother very similar whereas some graphical changes had to be made for the PlayStation version.

The story of the game is set after the fall of the Soviet Union and the Russian Mafia along with members of the Russian military have gotten their hands on some very nasty stuff. Rainbow team is required to go and free hostages and get rid of any weapons of mass destruction that these guys have.

Not a lot had changed with the gameplay as once again players had to use their brains in order to complete missions. Setting up the mission was every bit as important as the execution. If you were to just run in guns blazing 9/10, you would fail. Weapons would be detonated, you would be killed or hostages would be killed. It is a very cerebral game and that was what people loved about it.

As well as having the single player campaign the PC version also supported online play. You could either team up with other players to take on the AI or you could take part in what were essentially team Deathmatch style matches.

Rogue Spear was heavily supported with expansion packs on the PC. It was as strong seller across all three platforms and the Dreamcast and PC versions were very favorably reviewed.

Road To Red Dead Redemption 3: Red Dead Redemption
Road To Red Dead Redemption 3: Red Dead Redemption

Time for you cowboys to tie your horse up and take it easy in the saloon as we are looking at the last stop on our way to Red Dead Redemption 2!

Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare (2010) PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

Red Dead Redemption was a monster of a hit and quite shortly after it was released, we got wind of a huge DLC expansion, Undead Nightmare which would bring the undead to the Wild West! To say this new got people excited is a huge understatement and as amazing as Red Dead Redemption was it was this news that made more than a few people decide to buy it.

Undead Nightmare once against sees players take the role of John Marston, who you even get to play as a zombie which is pretty cool. The story of the game is pretty cool and sees John having to travel to the different towns in the game to keep the number of zombies down. You will also have to do various missions for other people as you try to figure out what the hell is going on and how you can stop it. One of the coolest features of the game is that you can find and tame the four horses of the apocalypse.

RockStar did an amazing job with this DLC! They went in and did a ton of work on the visuals so while you instantly recognize them all from Red Dead Redemption they have been given a sinister coating of paint, which with the permanent darkness and bad weather gives the whole game an eerie kind of feeling

As well as the main story, Undead Nightmare also had two multiplayer modes which were well received. These are called Land Grab and Undead Overrun.

Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare was a huge hit, so much so that RockStar actually released the game on its own, at a budget price of course. 

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